Triple flexion, triple extension, coiling core, and explosive, efficient running.
Up to 5 minutes of actual run time with ubrZati is the equivalent of 80 minutes of normal endurance training physiologically.
Real-time feedback that accelerates the learning curve for proper movement patterns.
Activate and develop the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex to increase strength and stability.
Who is Speed 360 for?
All levels of athletes are welcome, from the beginner to the professional. Speed360 is the most advanced and effective program for improving speed, endurance, mechanics and injury prevention.
,All athletes of any age, regardless of sport, need a strong, synchronized core for efficient, risk-free performance.
Value of training as a team at a discounted group rate.
(minimum of 6 athletes)
We also offer one-on-one personal training with ubrZati coaches.
We typically start at age 10+ with exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
Speed, power, agility, and endurance apply to athletes of every sport.
Fill out the form and we'll reach out to talk about your goals, and determine if Speed360 is a good fit.